YIN is a platform for the youth that aims to foster their knowledge, information, understanding of their rights and responsibilities and roles in a participative process so as to turn them into important pillars of the society. This would lead to their inclusion in future Programmes and actions targeted at their group.
Social, economic and political empowerment of youth is promoted through YIN and several outreach projects and programmes are used to develop and engage them.
YIN focuses on the entire life cycle of the youth and their transition into livelihood options and is a universal representative of the urban and rural voice. In doing so, the network needs to be sensitive towards both social and economic needs of the youth.
- We realized at the recent launch of YIN that the youth have tremendous energy. The youth are focused on their careers and goals and also on creating social change.
- YIN members have already begun connecting with each other on social media.
- This initiative aims to provide a platform for the youth to articulate and implement their ideas on the ground.
- Innovative ideas of the youth will be collated.
- The Sakal Media Group and YIN will assist the students in this regard.
- The youth could suggest ideas which could make their immediate surroundings a better place. These ideas could include having clean toilets in colleges, assisting the traffic police, conducting energy audits and so on.
- The youth suggesting the ideas must also implement them on the ground. SEVEN of the most implementable ideas will be selected. These ideas will be presented to the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister, leaders of various political parties, entrepreneurs and representatives of NGOs. These leaders will be encouraged to suggest action programmes for the youth.
- This action plan will be related to the process of changes in the country. From October 15th, Sakal Media Group will organise a programme highlighting these ideas.
- While some of the selected ideas will be published, others will be uploaded on the YIN website (https://www.yinforchange.in) Only YIN members will be eligible to participate in this initiative.
- College youth can intimate their innovative ideas to the Sakal Media Group.
- The Sakal Media Group will be transforming Ideas for youth and provide a forum to convert these ideas into reality. Any innovative idea which is implementable is welcome.
- Society’s contribution in giving shape to the ideas of college students and financially supporting them will be welcomed.
- Political parties must also participate in this initiative.
- Sakal Media Group appeals to former college students, teachers, experts from various sectors to support the enterprising youth.
- If you are no longer a student , but want to contribute by assisting the youth, visit https://www.yinforchange.in or contact our Call Centre at 9225800800.
- If you are a Corporate Professional , former College student, Member of a political party/NGO/social institution, Teacher, Domain expert or related to the aforementioned.
- The Sakal Media Group through its ‘Maharashtra’s Expectations’ initiative had sought the people’s developmental concerns. Accordingly, water emerged as the key area of concern and we have begun work on the same in right earnest.
- If YIN members utilize the Sakal Media Group forum for social initiatives, the society will support you too and a strong network will emerge out of this. Participation of YIN members will enable them to enhance their career paths, gain confidence and acquire new skills and benefit society.
- We are providing the youth an opportunity to take their ideas to the society. The goodwill and legacy of the Sakal Media Group is firmly behind them. We consider ourselves blessed to be able to offer you this opportunity. Our best wishes to all the young people out there. May your ideas turn out to be the most inspirational!